The CATSS project is supported by an Advisory Group comprised of 11 states and the District of Columbia as well as key partners representing the solar industry; trade assortations for investor-owned utilities, rural cooperatives, and municipal utilities; the federal government; and the national laboratories. These subject-matter experts provide guidance on the substance of CATSS and the resources that NASEO and NARUC will develop.
A Control Group comprised of 6 states and territories and additional subject-matter experts will review all resources developed to ensure that NASEO and NARUC members outside of the immediate project members can benefit from the project regardless of their level of expertise on solar cybersecurity issues.
Throughout the project, NASEO and NARUC are also engaging other external experts and working groups focused on this issue.

Key Partners
- American Public Power Association
- Archer International
- Edison Electric Institute
- Electric Power Research Institute
- Idaho National Lab
- National Electrical Manufacturers Association
- National Institute of Standards and Technology
- National Renewable Energy Lab
- National Rural Electric Cooperative Association
- PJM Interconnection
- Protect our Power
- Sandia National Lab
- Schneider Electric
- Solar Energy Industries Association
- Sunrun
- SunSpec
- Tesla
- UL
- US Department of Energy: Solar Energy Technologies Office, Office of Cyber Security, Energy Security, and Emergency Response, and Office of Electricity