The Cybersecurity Advisory Team for State Solar (CATSS) is a project implemented by the National Association of State Energy Officials (NASEO) and the National Association of Regulatory Utility Commissioners (NARUC) to mitigate cybersecurity risks and consequences in solar energy developments. With support from the United States Department of Energy Solar Energy Technologies Office, the project leverages state, federal and private-sector expertise on cybersecurity, grid and photovoltaic to identify model solar-cybersecurity programs and actions for states to take in partnership with utilities and the solar industry.

The rapid growth and importance of solar energy has elevated the critical need among state-level decision makers to evaluate the potential cybersecurity implications of solar deployment and work with federal and private-sector stakeholders to mitigate those risks. Newer two-way communication technologies and remote grid support are revolutionizing how the grid operates, but also result in a system more exposed to cyber vulnerabilities. NASEO and NARUC seek to proactively address cyber threats in all energy areas, including solar infrastructure.

The project uses a state-led advisory group and dialogue with solar and cybersecurity experts to advance education, tools and access to technical assistance. The 3-year project seeks to develop actionable solar cybersecurity strategies and roadmaps, as well as create stronger public-private partnerships and intra-and interstate cooperation for greater consumer and utility solar cybersecurity.

CATSS Products

  • CATSS Literature Review: Resources for Solar Cybersecurity
    The literature review provides an overview of relevant reports and research on solar cybersecurity issues by category. The list is not exhaustive, and inclusion of resources does not indicate an endorsement of the National Association of State Energy Officials(NASEO), the National Association of Regulatory Utility Commissioners (NARUC), or any of the CATSS Advisory or Control Group members.

  • CATSS Project Roadmap
    This roadmap is a menu of options to further support state considerations of solar cybersecurity, developed by NASEO and NARUC based on extensive research and input from their members. As relevant, tools and resources touch on cybersecurity aspects of distributed energy resources (DER) in general. These options are outlined in three categories, which can happen simultaneously or in a different order. The list of options is not exhaustive, and inclusion of potential tools does not indicate an endorsement of NASEO, NARUC, or any of the CATSS Advisory or Control Group members. The document is not static, but rather a “living document.”.


CATSS Objectives


  • CATSS Meetings and Webinars


    Strengthening Solar Cybersecurity through the NASEO-NARUC Solar Cybersecurity Toolkit, November 2023

    • This webinar walks through the NASEO-NARUC Solar Cybersecurity Toolkit, designed specifically for State Energy Offices, Public Utility Commissioners, and their staff. The toolkit features eleven tools focused on two key areas: education and risk awareness, as well as practical state actions.

    Cybersecurity Certification Standard for Distributed Energy and Invertor-Based Resources, January 2022

    • This webinar features remarks to the Cybersecurity Advisory Team for State Solar (CATSS) from the National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) and Underwriters Laboratory (UL) on the Cybersecurity Certification Standard for Distributed Energy and Inverter-Based Resources. Additionally, a presentation from the CATSS project team, reviewing the toolkit content, timeline for the toolkit development, and advisory group engagement planned for 2022.