NASEO has committees, task forces, advisory groups, and working groups that inform our issue areas and policy actions on behalf of State Energy Offices.

NASEO elevates state priorities and perspectives as a part of the federal energy policy and program development process. NASEO's Board of Directors and Committees establish policy positions and direct the organization's initiatives. One of NASEO's main priorities is encouraging Congressional and Administration support for the U.S. State Energy Program. 


Topic Area Description Staff Contact(s)
Affordability The NASEO Energy Affordability Committee engages State and Territory Energy Offices and private sector leaders working to advance energy cost savings for homes and businesses across the United States. Grace Lowe (Lead)
Sandy Fazeli
Arvand Golbazi
Buildings The NASEO Buildings Committee hosts discussions and best practice exchanges on energy use in buildings – residential, commercial, public. Focus areas include building energy codes, building benchmarking, energy efficiency, and resilience. Maddie Koewler
Rodney Sobin
Jasmine Xie
Liepa Braciulyte
Electricity The Electricity Committee convenes the State Energy Offices for discussions and exchanges of best practice on electricity issues. Key committee priorities include innovative planning for transmission and distribution systems, the use and integration of generation resources at the distribution and bulk power-levels, interdependencies with other sectors, such as petroleum, natural gas, water, transportation, and buildings, as well as ensuring a resilient electricity system.  Catherine Reed (Lead)
Kirsten Verclas 
Kelsey Jones
Energy Security The Energy Security Committee is a forum for State Energy Offices to discuss, learn, and collaborate on energy emergency planning, preparedness, and response. The committee covers a wide variety of energy security issues, ranging from energy data and analysis to cybersecurity across all energy sectors to coordination with electric and natural gas utilities and the petroleum industry. The NASEO Energy Security Committee hosts two monthly calls: the Energy Security Committee meeting and the Energy Security Committee All-Hazards meeting. The former is only open to State Energy Offices, while the latter is open to a broader audience, including public utility commission staff, Governor’s Office staff, and State Emergency Management staff. Campbell Delahoyde (Lead)
Sarah Trent
Financing The Energy Financing Committee facilitates state collaboration and peer learning on key energy sectors and financing mechanisms and tools used by states and their private sector partners to advance energy projects.  Topics include, for example, Energy Savings Performance Contracting (ESPC), Revolving Loan Funds, credit enhancement mechanisms, and bonds. The committee identifies market barriers, engages private sector and program partners, and shares solutions toward effective financing programs operated or managed by the State Energy Offices and their public and private partners. Sam Cramer
Transportation The Transportation Committee addresses key policies, programs, and technologies impacting energy use in the U.S. transportation sector, providing states information and best practices to improve energy efficiency, strengthen competitiveness, and reduce emissions. The Committee covers a broad range of issues such as electric vehicle infrastructure, hydrogen and propane utilization, autonomous vehicles, and leveraging fleet data to enhance fleet operations. Jessie Lund (Lead)
Delaney Dixon

Task Forces, Work Groups, and Advisory Groups

Topic Area Description Staff Contact(s)
Residential Energy Efficiency Task Force NASEO’s Residential Energy Efficiency Task Force was formed to address State Energy Offices’ interest in delivering cost-effective energy efficiency programs in the residential sector.  This includes supporting state energy efficiency incentive programs, rebate activities, voluntary labeling initiatives, and workforce development. Maddie Koewler
Rural Energy Working Group The Rural Energy Working Group addresses key issues impacting energy use on rural lands and agricultural operations. Key focus areas include options for energy development on rural lands, efficient energy and water use in agricultural operations, energy efficiency financing, and energy resilience. Kelsey Jones (Lead)
Jasmine Xie (Lead)
Advanced Nuclear State Collaborative (joint with NARUC) The NASEO-NARUC Advanced Nuclear State Collaborative (ANSC) convenes state utility regulators, State Energy Officials, and invited experts to exchange questions, needs, and challenges relating to the planning and deployment of new advanced nuclear generation. ANSC participants share information on the regulatory, policy, and programmatic steps needed to facilitate the deployment of advanced nuclear and work with peers across different states.  Kelsey Jones (Lead)
Energy-Based Economic Development State Working Group  The Energy-Based Economic Development State Working Group, jointly facilitated by NASEO and the International Economic Development Council (IEDC), brings together State Energy Offices and state and regional Economic Development Organizations to strategize on common priorities, learn from experts, and share best practices to promote clean energy-related economic development and maximize the potential of federal clean energy investments. The Working Group convenes for monthly virtual calls to discuss topics, such as: clean energy workforce development, siting and permitting, rural energy and economic development, Inflation Reduction Act tax incentives, and manufacturing and supply chain development.  Sandy Fazeli (Co-Lead), Grace Lowe (Co-Lead) 
Hydrogen State Working Group NASEO's Hydrogen State Working Group is a platform for State Energy Offices to come together to share best practices, discuss topics of interest, and inform the types of resources and support NASEO will provide to states moving forward on hydrogen. Kelsey Jones (Co-Lead)
Grace Lowe (Co-Lead)
Grid-Interactive Efficient Buildings (GEB) Working Group (Joint with NARUC) Through the NASEO-NARUC GEB Working Group, State Energy Officials and state utility regulators can explore demand flexibility and GEB technologies and applications; identify opportunities and impediments (technical and non-technical); identify and express state priorities and interests; inform policy, planning, programs, and regulation; consider electricity sector investments and implications; and advance demand flexibility pilots and deployment options. Rodney Sobin (Lead)
Jasmine Xie
Home Energy Labeling Working Group The NASEO Home Energy Labeling Working Group meets on a bimonthly basis to discuss the latest research on home energy labeling and to share programmatic updates among stakeholders. State Energy Offices and other stakeholders can explore best practices and new models to implementing residential energy efficiency disclosure. Maddie Koewler
NASEO Distribution Working Group The NASEO Electric Distribution Working Group brings together State Energy Offices, along with representatives from investor- and consumer-owned utilities as well as other outside experts, to delve into the role that integrated distribution planning plays in enabling states to advance their respective energy goals. This working group convenes quarterly on virtual calls to share best practices, explore holistic approaches to integrated distribution system planning, and strategize policy, programmatic, and regulatory solutions to distribution system challenges. Kirsten Verclas (Lead)
Kelsey Jones
NASEO Energy Data Working Group  The NASEO Energy Data Working Group brings together State Energy Offices, other relevant state agencies, and affiliate members to discuss energy data needs and gaps on the state and federal level. As states aim to meet growing electricity demands, they will require additional and more granular data that spans multiple sectors to allow states to evaluate power needs, reliability, and affordability, as well as track emissions and the integration of new energy resources.  This working group will discuss available data, data needs, and develop guidelines for data sharing and data integrity standards for potential adoption by states.  Kirsten Verclas
NASEO Solar Working Group The NASEO Solar Working Group serves as a collaborative forum for State Energy Offices to exchange ideas and learn from experts as they design and implement solar programs. The Working Group is open to all State and Energy Offices interested in developing or expanding low-income and other solar programs. Sandy Fazeli (Co-Lead), Grace Lowe (Co-Lead) 
NASEO State Industrial Working Group Through the NASEO State Industrial Working Group, State Energy Offices work to identify, develop, and enhance resources and collaborations to help manufacturing industries meet their goals and state objectives for economic development and competitiveness, emissions reduction and environmental protection, and energy reliability, resilience, and security. This work includes both (1) helping existing industrial facilities through technical and business assistance; and (2) accelerating development and deployment of new technologies and industries. The scope includes manufacturing and related industrial activities broadly as well as manufacture of clean energy products. Rodney Sobin (Co-Lead)
Sam Cramer (Co-Lead)
NASEO Transmission Working Group The NASEO Transmission Working Group convenes State Energy Offices and invited experts to explore the topic of transmission and the role that transmission planning and implementation plays in enabling states to advance their respective energy goals.  This working group convenes virtually on a quarterly basis to delve into policy, programmatic, and regulatory needs and challenges, learn from experts, strategize on shared priorities, and share best practices relating to the planning and implementation of transmission. Catherine Reed (Lead)
Kirsten Verclas 
Microgrid State Working Group (Joint with NARUC) The NARUC-NASEO Microgrids State Working Group shares public- and private-sector best practices and expertise, to explore microgrid technologies and applications, policy and regulatory frameworks, financing models, and potential benefits to microgrid operators, ratepayers, and other stakeholders. Kelsey Jones (Lead)
Regional Electric Vehicle West (REV West) Working Group The Regional Electric Vehicle West (REV West) group convenes leadership and staff from eight states: Arizona, Colorado, Idaho, Montana, Nevada, New Mexico, Utah, and Wyoming; and is made up of State Energy Offices, State Departments of Transportation, and State Environmental agencies. The group meets monthly to facilitate communication and coordinate investment in EV infrastructure across the western states. Cassie Powers (Lead)
Delaney Dixon
On-Road Freight Electrification Advisory Group The NASEO On-Road Freight Electrification Advisory Group is comprised of representatives from State Energy Offices and other state agencies, and select freight vehicle OEMs, charging station providers, utilities, leading researchers, fleets, and others, that inform NASEO on the barriers, policy, and programmatic tools to enable nationwide freight electrification investments. The Advisory Group meets on a quarterly basis to identify the latest market developments, policy and regulatory frameworks, and challenges to freight electrification adoption.  Jessie Lund (Lead)
Delaney Dixon (Co-Lead)


Standing NASEO Committees meet regularly (both in-person and via conference call and webinar. Generally, these committees are focused on increasing State Energy Office awareness and education on specific topics. Most NASEO Committees are guided by a core "Leadership Team"" of State and Affiliate members.

Task Forces, Work Groups, and Advisory Groups:
Task Forces and Advisory Groups are project-specific and time-bound (usually lasting 1-2 years). Members of these groups volunteer to provide strategic guidance and direction to NASEO staff as they develop publications, events, and other resources on a given topic, and may be invited to participate in conference calls, webinars, and meetings. Sometimes, NASEO Task Forces/Advisory Groups may be converted to full standing committees, based on member feedback and NASEO Board direction.