Analyzing Challenges, Leveraging Public Dollars, and Coalition-Building Along Key Corridors
NASEO is engaging experts in the transportation electrification field to provide foundational knowledge to state policymakers on transportation electrification and offer policy and program tools to support the transition to an electrified passenger and vehicle fleet, with a focus on freight electrification. NASEO is hosting a virtual discussion series to explore several key questions including:
- Where and how many freight charging hubs are needed in the next 5-10 years?
- What are the anticipated electric system needs, timelines, and costs for ensuring adequate electric service to freight charging hubs, and what are potential solutions?
- How can states advance-plan for public freight charging at NEVI sites and other publicly-funded charging locations?
- How can public funding be leveraged to further spur additional private sector investment?
Virtual Discussion Series:
Upcoming Webinars
Utility Coordination and Regulatory Frameworks - March 2025
Much has been shared about how fleets should work with their local utilities (early and often!), but less is known about best practices for states. How can states best engage with utilities to support freight electrification? How can states and utilities work together to appropriately plan for future electricity demand and potentially proactively invest in upgrades? What best practices are developing around medium- and heavy-duty (MHD) EV rate design and tariffs, grid make-ready programs, streamlined interconnection, and cost-recovery policies? When do public utilities commissions need to get involved? Finally, how do regulatory frameworks and answers to the above questions vary between investor-owned utilities (IOUs), municipal utilities, and co-ops?
More information, including date and registration link, to come. Please check back soon.
Past Webinars
Fleet Technical Assistance Programs - February 24, 2025
How are states working to educate fleets about new technologies, business models, incentive programs, and regulations? Hear from states and utilities with existing technical assistance programs about how their programs were designed and funded and how they're administered. Recording available here.
- Marcella McNerney, Program Manager, Massachusetts Clean Energy Center (MassCEC)
- Melissa Evanego, Assistant Director for Air Monitoring & Mobile Sources, NJ Department of Environmental Protection (NJ DEP)
- Jennifer Kritzler, Regional Deputy Director, Northeast, CALSTART
- Billy Vaughan, Senior Product Manager, Business Electric Vehicle Program, Salt River Project (SRP)
- Planning for Freight Electrification - November 15, 2023
Description: To harness the energy, economic development, and air quality benefits of transitioning to electric medium- and heavy-duty vehicles (MHDVs), particularly freight vehicles, states across the country are adopting Advanced Clean Trucks (ACT) rules, with some committing to achieve 100 percent sales of electric trucks by 2050. In addition, funds from the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act (IIJA) and the Inflation Reduction Act (IRA) are available to support charging station investments, fleet replacements, grid upgrades, and workforce development needs related to transportation electrification. To support states in their goals to electrify MHDVs, NASEO is engaging leaders in the field to better understand the impacts of freight electrification, and identify planning, program, and policy options for states to enable the transition to an electric fleet. This webinar will feature presentations from experts highlighting priority locations for freight electrification and the electrical infrastructure needed to support charging for medium- and heavy-duty EVs, explore current freight electrification planning initiatives underway, and will announce a new initiative from NASEO to support states as they plan for electric freight investments. Recording available here.
- Charlotte Fagan, Principal Analyst, Clean Energy Development, National Grid
- Jordan Stutt, Senior Director, Northeast Region, CALSTART
- Ray Minjares, Director, Heavy-Duty Vehicles Program, The International Council on Clean Transportation
- Policy Options for States - April 17, 2024
Description: State Energy Offices, State Environmental Agencies, and other state policymakers play a key role in advising policies and programs to advance freight electrification and zero-emission vehicle (ZEV) adoption. States across the country are taking a variety of approaches to accelerate zero-emission vehicle adoption in the light-, medium-, and heavy-duty sectors, such as the Advanced Clean Cars (ACC) and Advanced Clean Trucks (ACT) rules, Heavy-Duty Omnibus rules, and other market-driven mechanisms. Jeremy Hunt, Policy Advisor at the Northeast States for Coordinated Air Use Management (NESCAUM) will discuss how ACC and ACT drive ZEV adoption and decrease emissions, as well as the role complementary vehicle and charging incentives play in advancing transportation electrification in the freight sector. Stacey Simms, Senior Director of Clean Fuels and Infrastructure at CALSTART will discuss how state agencies, utilities, fleet operators, automakers, and charging infrastructure providers can coordinate to advance freight electrification in states that are taking a more market-driven approach, as well as in states that have implemented ACC and ACT rules. The webinar will be recorded and available for those that are unable to attend. Recording available here.
- Jeremy Hunt, Policy Advisor, NESCAUM
- Stacey Simms, Sr. Director of Clean Fuels & Infrastructure, CALSTART
- Anticipating and Preparing for new Electricity Demand from Freight Electrification - June 3, 2024
Description: Freight electrification will create significant new demand for electricity as a "fuel" across the country. How can states estimate and help utilities prepare for this new demand - which may be more spatially concentrated than light-duty passenger EVs - to help ensure that electricity and grid capacity aren't bottlenecks to charging infrastructure deployments? What data is currently available to states, and what tools are available to support analyses? Furthermore, how can states and utilities work together to ensure that they're preparing accordingly for this new load?
Join NASEO to hear from leading experts on this topic. Matt Bruchon will share NREL's Depot-Based Vehicle Data for National Analysis of Medium- and Heavy-Duty Electric Vehicle Charging, which can be used to inform research, infrastructure planning, and policymaking regarding the electrification of freight vehicles. Britta Gross will provide an overview of EPRI's EVs2Scale2030 initiative, which leverages industry partnerships to support the rapid deployment of millions of EVs while minimizing grid impacts and enabling critical benefits to the nation’s grid. Britta will also provide a demo of the eRoadMAP tool and a sneak peek of the GridFAST platform. Next, Caitlin Odom will provide an overview of RMI's GridUp tool and how it can be used to inform proactive grid infrastructure planning and help utilities and other stakeholders determine when, where, and in what quantities energy and power demands will materialize from vehicle electrification. Finally, Zeryai Hagos will share an update on the New York Public Service Commission's proceeding examining the needs of medium- and heavy-duty (MHD) electric vehicles and proactive planning approaches to prepare the grid. Recording available here.
- Matt Bruchon, Researcher - Data Science, National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL)
- Britta Gross, Director of Transportation, Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI)
- Caitlin Odom, Manager, Carbon Free Electricity & Transportation, RMI
- Zeryai Hagos, Deputy Director, Office of Markets and Innovation, New York Department of Public Service